About AAJUW:
The American Association of Japanese University Women (AAJUW) was founded in June, 1970 under the sponsorship of the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Los Angeles Chapter. It was officially granted the status of a non-profit organization in 1983. (Tax ID #95-3781590)
The primary mission of the association is to:
“Promote women’s education”
”Encourage cultural exchange between the U. S. and Japan”
”Serve the community through various activities”
”Cultivate friendship and fellowship among our members”
The primary activity of the AAJUW is to award scholarships annually to outstanding female college students whose future plans meet our objectives. To raise scholarship fund, various activities, such as bazaar, lectures, concerts, are held.
As a service to the community, members volunteer at Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, ex-Keiro Nursing Home, and Los Angeles Public Library-Little Tokyo Branch. AAJUW has made donations to the victims of Kobe Earthquake in 1995 and Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami victims in 2011.
Currently AAJUW has about 55 members. The General Meeting/Scholarship Award Luncheon is held in Los Angeles on the fourth Sunday of January each year. At the luncheon, each scholarship recipient gives an acceptance speech and a distinguished main speaker is also invited to give a lecture.
Japanese / 日本語:
American Association of Japanese University Women(AAJUW)はAAUWのLA支部の支援を得て1970年に設立されました。
AAJUWの目的は、日米文化の交流、女子学生の大学教育推進、研究助成のための奨学金給付、また会員相互の親睦を図り、いろいろな行事を行い、 会以外の地域社会への貢献、それに伴う寄付などが主だった活動です。
AAJUWは1983年カリフォルニア州から非営利団体(Non-profit Organization)として認可されました。(ID#95-3781590)
毎年1月には総会並びに奨学金贈呈式が行われます。 ランチョンでは奨学金受賞者のスピーチの他、ゲスト・スピーカーの講演やエンターテインメントも企画されています。